Atsushi Takenoushi in Epidauros: Workshop & Performance
The first laboratory workshop of 2013 will take place in Ancient Epidauros from May 20th - 26th and will be taught by Atsushi Takenoushi and Vasilios Arabos:
Dance of a Tragic Figure III:
Jinen Butoh as Orphic Descent Into the Ancient Role
A laboratory-workshop led by
Atsushi Takenoushi and Vasilios Arabos
House of Neuses is a non-profit organization which only accepts charitable donations. While we organize one meal per day and book lodging arrangements for our guests, these are payed directly by us to all vendors.
Expenses (lodging, food, teachers): €375.00. Lodging is shared occupancy. Food is one midday meal, shared. Transport is from the town to the Great Amphitheater and back.
7 days: May 20th — 26th, 2013
Contact Hours: 8h/day
51 contact hours total, open to all for the entirety. The 2-3 day extension with the core group is optional and carries an extra fee. Mr Atsushi will not be present past the 26th.
For more information please register by clicking the link below. Please indicate any special requirements in your registration.
Donation (suggested): € 120.00 please bear in mind that we are a non-profit and larger donations are welcome. We can provide pertinent invoicing/receipts for tax purposes.
Please register early as spaces are limited.

This year's workshop is in continuity with the last two. We will be deepening the connection between last year's mask-work and movement, and will be introducing two new elements of vocal improvisation and work on chorus and group dance based on Greek folk dance elements and principles of complicité. Adrianos Katsouris and his Music and Dance Ensemble will be contributing their expertise and knowledge of Greek folk music this year
Please indicate in your registration if you are interested in participating in a two to three day extension of the workshop for more advanced exploration of this work into the Greek materials which we will be pursuing with the core group. This workshop is open to people from all walks of life: dancers of all levels, actors, performers both professional and anyone interested in exploring Ancient Hellenic Theatre, myth, shamanic and sacred arts, archetypes through processes of embodiment and improvisation.
Shamanic in both its motivation and approach, Atsushi Takenouchi's Jinen Butoh is a dance-form developed as a fundamental act of healing and remembrance. Just as Imalis means "Return to the Source," Jinen means "Breath of the Universe" and "River of Life," and Jinen Butoh its contact through dance. Jinen Butoh shares with the Orphic tradition out of which theater evolved as a Bacchic art-form a concern with touching these primordial principles through our living body, and cleansing through a process of acknowledgement and expression the imprints left upon it by the forgotten and rejected creatures of the world in which it exists: the pariahs, the abandoned children and old people, refugees, prostitutes and failed revolutionaries, the sick and the insane, animals, plants and places on the road of extinction...

Orpheus, who revealed to our ancestors the mysteries of Dionysos, taught that our body was a mantle woven by Kore, daughter of Demeter and Queen of the Underworld, and that within it lay the path for healing. It is this skin, as skenoma, that lies at the origin of the skene, or scene. In his Sacred Discourses, he sang the praises of Dionysos, Guide of the Souls of the Dead and the Lost, celebrating him as the God of the Vine of the Universe to which cling all beings, and the Great Healer to whom the ancients would turn to be restored to their First Health through music and theater. It is for this reason that his temple that was theater was located next to the temple of Asklepios, the "eliminator of that which goes counter to our nature," the restorer of our Second Heath, that health which came second to our First Health and which belonged to the Vine God.
To register for this workshop, please visit Dance of a Tragic Figure III and click the link "Register for this workshop".
To register directly, click here: Registration Page.
Imalis, the Center for Ancient Hellenic Theatre of Epidauros
Sunny Gardens and Asteroa hotels
Vasili: +30-694-439-5808
Nicholas: +30-694-450-3513
Confederación Española de Teatro Amateur CETA
Centro Nacional AITA España