Yes Theatre History: believes that theatre and drama can positively influence the children and youth to create a change in their society. Therefore, it works to inspire Palestinian children and youth in general and those in Hebron in particular to try out and to develop creative and constructive reactions to the challenges in their daily lives.
Yes Theatre works in the field of youth theatre and drama education in the Palestinian Territory. The founding members of YT have 18 years of experience of implementing drama and theatre projects and programs with youth inside and outside schools, in cooperation with the Palestinian Ministry of Education, UNRWA and with other original bodies in Hebron. At that time, YT was, and is still, the only organization working exclusively for children and young people using theatre and drama as tools of expression, relief, social change and development. it is worth mentioning that YT has access to school permitted by the Ministry of Education.
The program objective is to contribute to the empowering of Palestinian women and raising their awareness about their rights and how to proclaim them through the medium of a mobile puppet theatre based on social entrepreneurship approach.
This theatre is a social enterprise, that will be run by three females and 1 male who graduated from yes theatre drama program. they will be subject to capacity building in regards to research and collecting stories, narration, turning them into puppet performance to be then presented for groups of 100 audience consists of men, women and kids, from different areas. it is a social enterprise that challenges mobility restriction, and it serves puppet performances that are based on narration of women from diversified marginalized areas. The theme of performances will reflect success stories to inspire women; convey messages and stories that raise the awareness of women about their rights and the importance of proclaiming them. On the other hand, it will create social capital by finding a sphere of harmony among diversified indigenous folks' peculiarities of their heterogeneous entourages by making a general understanding and strengthening bonds among them.
this program is going firstly to advocate against customary laws against women, in formal and informal levels that prevent women from having equal opportunities, beside limiting their choices and their abilities to be decision makers, thus it will raise awareness of women about their rights and the importance of proclaiming them, since they are the most important category to start with. The second issue is the economic situation, since this enterprise will generate income it is going to create job opportunities for four youth (3 females, 1 male); thus it will serve as a model to inspire unemployed people to use their potentials by creating their own enterprises that not only generates income but also provide a social value. Lastly, living in an environment that is subject to mobility restriction due to occupation will create not only regional division but socially separated indigenous who don't have neither physical nor social attachment, thus a mobile theatre that moves from one region to the other will break separation and contribute to the creation of harmonized sphere based on diversified folk's narration.

Yes Theatre's objective is to contribute to empowering Palestinian women and raising t